Don’t spend hours figuring out terms.
Commit to curated, multi-asset, fixed-yield strategies with a single signature.
What if
Earn from fixed-rate lending strategies
PWN is a permissionless, peer-to-peer, fixed-rate lending protocol. Unlock liquidity using any asset, customize terms, always without price-based liquidations.
Don’t spend hours figuring out terms.
Commit to curated, multi-asset, fixed-yield strategies with a single signature.
Don’t compromise on yield.
Let your funds work in Aave, Compound or Morpho while you wait for your proposals on PWN to be accepted.
Don’t chase meaningless points.
Build up your reputation simply by using PWN and position yourself as a future stakeholder of PWN DAO.
PWNDAO empowers its community to govern the PWN Protocol, overseeing the development and management of decentralized, peer-to-peer, permissionlees lending solutions.
Make your voice heard and contribute to the future of the protocol.
VISIT THE FORUMUse PWN, unlock achievements, and earn your status in the PWN DAO.
EARN REPUTATIONLearn about the DAO, its mission, and its structure.
READ THE WHITEPAPERJoin our monthly community calls
PWN is proud to announce the official launch of PWN DAO. At its core, PWN DAO is designed to manage and enhance the PWN Protocol, providing a governance model that balances decentralization with the efficiency of a crypto-native collective. It ensures accountability not just to a community but through it.
Forget KYC! PWN DAO is bringing you something better: rep! In today's DeFi world, you often only know a wallet address when leveraging the power of smart contracts to transact. But in peer-to-peer lending, understanding who your counterparty is can help you land better terms on both sides.
In this article, I want to explain two concepts for tackling liquidity fragmentation in DeFi lending and widening the opportunity space beyond lending pools: Lean Lending Liquidity and Thesis-based Lending.